Monday, October 29, 2012


What makes you a leader?

I would say EVERYTHING.
It is you yourself who determine how good you can lead.
Or always be a follower.

I was a prefect since secondary school.
I know my responsibility as a prefect.
I know what to do or not to do.

It is not easy to lead.
Never easy.
Because your followers are of different characteristics & flaws.
You will not be able to pleased everyone under you.
What you can do, is just find a balance point between it.

Today marks the last day of me serving as a prefect in my school life.
I would say being part of the family is rather tiring but worthwhile.
I gain knowledge that i will never learnt in class & friendship that i will never forget.

Everyone has the potential to lead.
It is your choice to use & show it out :)

Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses. 
-Mitt Romney 

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