Monday, October 15, 2012

Whats Your Bet?

hello readers :)

Daryl come out with an idea today
that we bet on things that will happen in our future
& see who win the game.
& the amount of bet is not small you know.
but the bet shall remains secret until the day the results are out
& if this blog remains.
I will share with all of you. :)

Are you involve in any bet which is really significant?
To hide a secret from your parents?
To cheat in examinations?
To cheat on your girlfriend?
To lie to your best friend?

So Whats Yours? :)

I guess one of the bet which i am really serious was the one i made with you.
& it is still going on.

Nothing much happen for the past weekend,
& today my house TV breakdown :(
Send the TV for repair
& grandpa suggested to get a new one.
& we got a new 42" 3D LED TV :)

#nowplaying - 下一道彩虹

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