Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Hello readers :)

i was on my way back home from the library.
& i drop by a hawker center to buy some food for school today.
While waiting for my food to be ready,
i witness the whole scene where a man on the motorbike just stop by the road side
took a helmet of a strangers motorbike & ride off.
I was so surprised because i have never encounter such scene before.
"Why?" i asked myself.
I couldn't find a good explanation for the man who steals one's helmet.
Was he that desperate for that helmet?
Was he that poor?

Today in school,
we found out that we have no class to go to as the lower sixes used our class for examinations.
Basically, we are "class-less"
Then, we joined Delta & Epsilon.
I was brought up that greeting one another is a show of respect.
Did most of you greet your teachers when you are at the walkway?
I bet most of you do.
As usual, i greet every teachers that i meet doesn't matter whether they teach me or not.
But today, there are this two specific teachers who walked passed me & ignored my greetings.
"Why?" comes to my mind once again.
Was i that insignificant?
Just because i am not your student so you don't greet me back?

It is really sad to see all this happening around the society.
Where are all the moral values that we used to practice?

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