Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Friendship or Wealth?

Hello readers :)

If you all are wondering whats the title about.
So today me & my classmates were playing this game namely "2 Choose 1"
For example :
"You favorite shoe, Nike or Adidas?"
And you can't say both as you can only choose 1 and only 1.
Be faithful :)

We came up with tons of real funny & interesting choices.
Sometimes, it is kind of hard to choose 1 between the two especially you want both.

If you were to ask me, friendship or wealth?
I will choose friendship without any hesitation. Why?

Some of you might think i am pretty stupid as wealth can buy friendship.
But how faithful can those friends be or how true are they when they are with you?

I don't mind that i am poor, but i know i have true friends who will be there for me whenever i need them.
And for the past 19 years,
I can proudly say i met a few friends who i can really classified them as true friends without any doubts.
I am glad i met them & I am who i am today with their presence in my life.
Thank you for coming into my life & add colours into it :)

Le Bosses

The Canossians

#nowplaying Tale As Old As Time - Alex G

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