Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Projek Rumah Ibadat Kita

Hello dear readers :)

Recently, i joined this project running in Melaka to discover & research about places of worship in Melaka. Mainly in Jalan Tokong & Jalan Hang Jebat (Jonker Street).

This project will take up 8 weekends, end around early April.
Since i am only working from Monday - Friday, so Why Not ?
Its time to get myself to explore more things & get to know each religion better :)
I would say so far, the research & interviews are FUN !
To those who are selected & didn't join us.
U miss the FUN !

So for last Saturday & Sunday, we went to research about this Hindu Temple named Sri Poyatha Vinayagar Moorthi Temple along Jalan Tokong. The person in charged was so nice to share with us all the details about this temple. I choose to do research about the History, & i really learnt ALOT.

The plot of land was awarded to the Chetti Community in Melaka by the Dutch back in 1709. Due to lack of manpower & technology back then, it takes nearly 72 years for the temple to be fully established, which is the year of 1781. It is the oldest Hindu temple in Malaysia. Not to forget, oldest functioning Hindu Temple in Malay Archipelago.

This temple is dedicated mainly to Lord Vinayagar or Ganesha, the elephant deity. There are also altar for Lord Muruga, younger brother of Lord Vinayagar & Lord Shiva, father of Lord Vinayagar as well as other deities.

What is Chetti? Who are Chetti of Malacca?
Chetti means traders. Chetti of Malacca are traders from Kalinga who are Tamils. Some of this traders treat Malacca as second home, they decided to get married with the local women and stay here.

The temple is currently under management of the Chettiars' Community under agreement with the Chetti Community. Chettiars' are people from India who came to Malaysia during British regime. They are bankers & money lenders, completely different from the Chetti people.

There are also a few uniqueness i found in this temple. Most Hindu temples only devote to either Vasnavites or Shaivites. But for this temple, there are combination of both.

The next morning, i woke up early in the morning to witness the celebration of Maasimagam. One of the main celebration for this temple & to worship Lord Muruga. I was told that this event only held in Malacca. All the devotees will start walking from Jalan Tokong to one of the temple in Cheng. There are also devotees in Kavadi, dancing while the music is played. There are also offerings by devotees.

I would not want to elaborate more, before all my fellow readers fell asleep. :X
It was interesting to me, since i think if not because of this project, i will never walk in to a Hindu temple.

Let the photos do the speaking, enjoy !

Kavadi Dance

Offerings - Breaking the coconuts !

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