Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chinese New Year


Hello my dear readers :D

Wishing all of you have a prosperous snake year!

This year, is one of the most fruitful Chinese New Year i have spent with all my families & friends.
I spent quality times with all of them catching up.
& i never know when will i have that chance again.
I met most of them once a year.
So will there still be next year? What if i am going to oversea to study?
When will we gather like that again?
I miss all the gathering moments already.
All the discussion about futures, studies & jokes.

Not to forget, meeting all my extended family members.
Playing with kids :D
Taking candid shots with them.
Ahhh. how i miss that.

& also Chinese New Year are mainly about - FOOD !
yes. the oh-so-delicious FOOD !

I went back to work, for 1 day :)
Then i went to Gimmy's BBQ party at night!

Talking about Valentine's Day or i shall say Single Awareness Day :D
I spent it with 26 friends going around for visiting & gambling.

I won a little. HEHE. not much i would say. RM16?

The next day, Friday.
I went to visiting with my secondary school friends :D
Catch up moments with friends that i have yet to met after form 5.
It is so glad to know that all of you are doing fine.

Then, Sunday.
I went visiting with my F6's friends :D

Not to forget.
I also Facetime with my best friend all the way from UK :D

Amici Per La Vita ! I feel so blessed to have them.

Malacca Gang :D

Before i end this post.
I have to admit that for the past few days, i am disappointed because something happened.
I would not want to elaborate more here.
To those who know about it. Kindly keep it to yourself :D

But i am really lucky & blessed to have my friends all around me.
All the supports & encouragement, seriously i feel loved.

Most of you see me as a happy-go-lucky girl.
But i am sure deep down in everyone, there must be some dark side.
I am glad that i am moving on.
I am glad that i decided not to hold on after two years.
I decided to love myself more & put myself in first priority.



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