Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You.

This year birthday celebration was simple since major exams are still going on. 
Thanks to all of you who wished & make this special day of mine a memorable one. 
It is the thoughts that counts. :D

Chee Wee, you wished me the earliest i would say. Before the clock strike 12am here in Malaysia :D
I know you are pretty busy with your studies but do have sufficient rest ! I showed my aunt your latest photo & she said you look so small.

Joyce Chew, you was the first who ring me up at 12am sharp. Thanks for calling me up all the way from KTT & you have exams going on the next day. Thanks for being there whenever i need you. Can't wait for all the examinations to end & we can have some bonding session before we are apart again. :)

Jasmine Chong, my best friend for 15 years & still counting. Thanks for the message all the way from Cardiff. Do take good care of yourself there, since i am not there. Always here to listen if you need someone to talk to, okay? Can't wait to see u this December!

Terence Foo, Isaiah Tan & Glenn. Bosses, thanks for the early birthday cake & messages! Thanks for everything & Amici Per La Vita ! Can't wait for the reunion ! See you all real soon. :D

Catherine Hong, thanks for the lovely present & post in Facebook. Life in MHS wouldn't be the same without you. All the endless gossip session & journey back home from MHS is things i will never forget. I am sure after this, i will feel very weird because i used to see you everyday! Thanks for everything. :)

Soh Poi San, first friend all the way from Gementah! Really grateful to meet you in MHS. Thanks for the present. Thanks for coming to my house just to hand me the present. Not to forget, Daryl Tan who bought me a piece of cake too!

Tian Le & Vithal, thanks for calling me up just to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

Adrian Loy, thanks for sending the present all the way to my house although i am not home. Lucky the present was still there when i came home. Thank you.

Adrian Teoh, Chiew Nee, Carol, Shi Ting, Jonathan, Sean Peter, Sofea, Jia En, Terry, Vichard, Ivan, Feng Jing, Desmond, Rong Jie, Sophia, Royston, Joel (SG), Kylie, May Pin, Sherwon, Danny, Yong Sze, Manju, James & Uncle Lye, thanks for sending me message on Whatsapp, personal message & twitter. Thank you very much. :D

Not to forget my lovely family who bought me cake & brought me out for dinner on this special day of mine. Thanks for all the wishes & encouragement all this years. I am  not who i am today without you all. Thank you. <3

Last but not least, thanks to those who wished me in Facebook. A total of 160 of you all. Thank you all so much for the wishes & blessing.

Lots of love,
Jia Lin