Saturday, September 1, 2012

What Faith Can Do

Hello readers :)

Faith is a strong word that enable us to pull thru all the obstacles in life and achieve greater heights. 

Do you believe in faith? 

I know i do. :)

Never give up because u failed once or twice. Learnt from mistakes & do better is the main key to success. Trials is on Monday & grandma got admitted to hospital last night. The only thing i can do is to believe. I am sure she can get thru all this & i know i can do my best for the trials too. Althought i am really tired & at times i really need someone to be there to lend me a shoulder to lean on or even a pair of ears to listen. But i realize that we should not depend too much on others. They can't be there forever. I guess it is time to get out of the comfort zone.

Lots of love.

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