Saturday, September 29, 2012

Hang On.

Its 50 days till STPM.
Am i ready for it?
Honestly, I am not.
I have doubts that might screw it up.

So last thursday, we were given Dhamma talk in school & blessings for our coming examinations.
And i found my momentum & motivation once again to pull thru' all this once again.
"Do not only your best, but do all that you can" really motivates me.
I know i can do it, so i just need that determination to strive it.

I am not really good in expressing myself.
I always keep all my thoughts deep down in me & never split it out.
I can easily just put a smile on my face everyday,
but deep down in my heart, am i happy?
I really don't know.

But all i know now is,
i must strive thru' STPM & i know i can & i must.

If you are at the edge of giving up & letting go, hang on there.
Because things will eventually get better if you don't give up :)

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